Thursday, May 2, 2013

Scam Alert !!! Members of posing as members of Williams F1 team management

Scam Alert !!! Members of posing as members of

Williams F1 team management. Copy of scam email below....

Even though these guys are clowns with no credibility, it is

still breaking criminal and civil law by representing a Williams F1 team

manager, and the Williams F1 team, in general. 


 Additional Articles On This Subject;
Rather than take up the entire page with additional links on this subject, Google it.

I will make this short and sweet. I have the ONE and ONLY Solution for

Clean Energy.

Every bit of information concerning a "green economy", clean energy,

renewable energy, alternative energy, promoting MULTIPLE,

so-called solutions.

It's all hype. Everyone wants to have a piece of the (financial) pie,

while they are ignoring a REAL SOLUTION.

The last thing in the world that they want is a real solution

because, becuase it will not include them and they can't figure

out a way to get wealthy from it.

For many, many individuals and industries that have foolishly invested

their time, and money (or tax-payer money)

in "green" "eco" solutions, they will lose a lot of money.

There is no patent on my invention, and I do not have the

funds required to patent it on an international level.

The funding required in the past to have the product ready for

manufacturing was $89 Million (USD). That was before the U.S.

Government and the United Nations started talking

about pumping $$$Trillions of investment dollars into the

"Green Economy"....Therefore, the current price tag for

complete ownership of my invention is $500 Million (USD).

This is still an incredible deal, not only considering what "others"

intend to spend on Ineffective Plans, but the projected return on

investment on my invention will be in excess f $100 Billion.

If the investment funding is acquired during 2013, the completion date will be 2016.

Manufacturing will begin mid 2016, with the first product available for industry

and public use by late 2016.

Obama Administration Finalizes Historic 54.5 MPG Fuel Efficiency ...REALLY !!!

Historic ? I don't want to get political, but 54 miles per gallon by 2016 is a JOKE !

...Great for Ford and General Motors, but in reality, it is a joke !

 The entire issue of Global Warming, Clean Energy, Etc. COULD BE SOLVED BY 2016 !!!

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